How Architects Design for School Safety

Safety – it’s one of the top things builders emphasis when creating new structures.

For certain locations, safety is even more of a priority than it is for others. School design is a field where plenty of safety standards, codes, and guidelines exist.

All these things work to guard students from the various threats they might encounter while at school. Proper school architecture minimizes these risks and creates a secure environment conducive to learning.

Why Architects Are Vital to Safe School Design

Schools have a variety of buildings, equipment, and materials in a single location where many staff and students will gather regularly. Even officials and lifelong educators may have questions about the construction process for a new school. Architecture experts are very useful to have around when questions arise.

Schools must deal with many different hazards. This can include everything from high occupancy numbers to varying types of electrical equipment to the need for standard safety features in multiple facilities.

Top 3 Safety Concerns for Architects

1. Accounting for Capacity

Not having enough room for everyone can be a serious safety hazard, especially in the event of an emergency. Keeping enough space on walkways and in halls is vital for avoiding accidents. New school architecture plans are heavily based on the expected size of the student body and faculty.

2. Safeguarding Electrical Devices

Cafeterias, laboratories, and many other environments utilize equipment that presents fire and shock hazards. This means the proper safety equipment is necessary for reducing the chance of accidents. School design deals with making sure the proper protections are in place where they’re needed most.

3. Standard Features in All Necessary Areas

One of the biggest challenges architects face with school design is making sure safety features are available in each building. This can include everything from cameras to emergency call buttons. Since a school may consist of many smaller buildings connected to form a larger facility, architects are concerned about placing safety features wherever people may need them.

Important Buildings Require Top Safety Features

Schools are very important to the community, as they provide a safe place for children to learn skills for the workforce and for life. Such an important type of building requires top safety practices. Even more than stadium or church architecture, school architecture involves going the extra mile to create a safe experience.

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