Many people overlook how vital the roof type is when it comes to architectural design. The roof type, along with the materials chosen, can instantly and dramatically improve the visual, structural, and value of a property. Additionally, roof design can increase the curb appeal of a home.
continue readingBuildings are at the heart of every community. They provide protection not only from the elements but also house the memories and milestones of a family or business. Designing and building a structure evokes a sense of pride as the building's owners look towards the future.
continue readingIn recent years, there has been a reawakening in construction materials that have withstood the test of time and are environmentally-friendly. Various types of stone, including granite, marble, slate, and limestone have been embraced by architects, business owners, and homeowners to bring form, fashion, and function into homes and commercial properties.
continue readingA one level house style is often considered the perfect home layout. Why? Building a one level house can be like getting married; hopefully, you’ll be in it for many years to come. If you plan to build a two- or three-story house and live in it for 50 years or more, you will want to consider how you will navigate the upper levels of the house when you are in your eighties. It’s a fact of life that stair will be a factor when you areolder. Popular a one level house includes styles like Cape...
continue readingA question residential customers often ask us: How big should we plan the rooms of
our home?
Before we dive into the room size discussion, let’s put numbers to house sizes.
Using figures from a 2013 survey carried out by National Association of Home
Builders, here are the “labels”:
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We are a small Design-Centered Practice Studio that promotes cost effective Green Building technologies.
We provide a wide range of services, and no job is too big or too small for our experience. With over 15 years of commercial experience, we can design a wide variety of architectural styles that can fit most needs or tastes.